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Dogs are generally friendly animals, however, problems such as drooling are considered undesirable for owners. Some drooling is natural, especially in young children or dogs, who drool abnormally should be examined by a veterinarian. Therefore, it is important to understand why dogs drool excessively in order to improve their health. In writing this guide, we plan to explain the most common reasons that can cause excessive drooling in dogs and ways to manage this problem.

Why Dogs Drool: Things You Need to Know

This is a normal action for dogs and usually precedes most events such as seeing their owner, or expectations such as being fed. However, excessive drooling can be an indicator of other health complications or even stress from the outside environment. There are several causes of dog drooling and understanding them will allow you to properly treat the problem so your pet does not suffer.

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Drooling can therefore be caused by physiological and anatomical factors, as well as health causes and environmental aspects. With the understanding of the cause, it is possible to take appropriate measures to minimize or eliminate, as the case may be, excessive drooling in dogs.

1. Physiological causes of salivation

Teething in puppies

  • Duration: Approximately 7 months
  • Symptoms: Bad sensations, chewing movements, salivation

Drooling is also common, especially in teething puppies. As the teeth continue to develop, they cause some discomfort, which leads to increased saliva production. Toothaches can develop in puppies very early in life, causing them to feel uncomfortable when they try to chew on objects to reduce the discomfort, thus leading to saliva production. This phase usually lasts until the dog is seven months old. At this stage, one can take advantage of providing acceptable chews to allow the dog’s gums to be chewed, thus preventing them from drooling.

Excitement and anticipation

  • Situations:  Seeing food, during play or regarding interesting smells
  • Reflex: as in Pavlov’s experiment with dogs

Drooling or panting is seen in dogs due to excitement or several other reasons including a meal timer, playtime, or a new smell. This type of drooling is often normal and is only apparent when an animal is very excited, drooling decreases when the animal is tired. This is normal and usually does not require treatment unless it becomes uncontrollable.

Heat in bitches

Trigger: The presence of other male dogs causes increased salivation from the mouth.

This is especially true when female dogs are in the stall as they may drool a lot when they come into contact with male dogs. This is a physiological response associated with hormonal fluctuations during their heat period. Of course, drooling is normal at this age in dogs, but any changes in your dog’s behavior should be carefully examined to determine if it is due to teething or some other condition that requires veterinary attention.

2. Anatomical factors

Breeds likely to salivate excessively

Certain dog breeds are predisposed to drooling because of their characteristics and structure, Mondal adds. Understanding breed-specific tendencies is a good way to manage drooling.

Long-snouted breeds: Saint-Bernard, New Terrier

Breeds with long snouts like the Saint Bernard or Newfoundland make their drooling even more excessive. This is due to the anatomical structure of their jaws and mouths that do not allow them to have saliva in their mouths for long, and therefore drool frequently. This is actually a natural characteristic of these breeds, but taking the dog to a professional from time to time reduces the drooling.

Brachycephalic breeds: Bulldog or Dogue de Bordeaux

Bulldogs and Dogue de Bordeaux which are brachycephalic breeds also have a short muzzle which also leads to drooling. This is because their jaws are just a little bit smaller than humans which makes them salivate all the time and one is bound to drool. Owners of these breeds should therefore expect instances of drooling as part of their dog grooming routine.

3. Health-related causes

Oral health problems

  • Conditions: Gingivitis, periodontal disease
  • Symptoms: The discomfort was accompanied by bad breath, as well as visible plaque on the teeth.

Canine dental diseases are a major cause of hypersalivation in dogs. Some diseases such as gingivitis or periodontal disease cause discomfort, manifestations such as increased salivation. Animals with such problems are also likely to have foul-smelling breath, a sign of plaque in the mouth, and may even whine while feeding. It is also worth noting that proper care includes the use of toothbrushes and dental floss as well as dental prophylaxis.

Gastrointestinal problems

Symptoms: This can only occur when the child is in moments of excessive drooling before vomiting, signs of distress.
Possible conditions: In the stomach, they manifest as obstructions, ulcers or torsions.

Oral problems such as growths, inflammation of the mouth or injuries can cause excessive salivation in dogs. Digestive tract diseases such as blockages, ulcers or torsions also cause excessive and frequent salivation in dogs. Anticipatory salivation is also common before vomiting and is always associated with signs of discomfort such as restlessness, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. However, if you observe the above symptoms, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible, as some gastrointestinal diseases are fatal.

Toxicity and poisoning

  • Common toxins:  cleaning agents, several varieties of flowers (e.g. rhododendron, oleander).
  • Symptoms:  Stomach upset such as drooling, vomiting and lethargy

Another possible cause of excessive salivation is toxicity and poisoning, which are considered very dangerous. Dogs, like most animals, are exploratory and can easily consume toxic substances such as bleach, rat poison, or poisonous plants. Some of the signs that a child needs emergency treatment for poisoning are: Drooping saliva, vomiting, and fatigue/lethargy. If you notice that your dog has ingested a toxic substance, you should take him to the emergency vet as soon as possible.

4. Environmental factors

Heat stress

  • Symptoms: Include: excessive panting, drooling, lethargy
  • Immediate actions: move to a cooler place, give water

One of the reasons that causes excessive salivation is heat stress, which tends to be especially prevalent on a hot day. Heat dissipation in dogs can be done through panting, which causes saliva to secrete into the mouth. If your dog is drooling excessively due to heat, you should take him to a cooler place and also make sure he drinks plenty of water. In severe cases of heat stress, the animal may go into shock, which is a terrible condition known as heat stroke that requires the services of a veterinarian.

Motion sickness

  • Symptoms: Spitting, vomiting in the car
  • Solutions: Drastic decrease over time, consultation with a veterinarian

Another cause of excessive drooling is motion sickness, and in particular, car sickness. Typically, dogs suffering from motion sickness will drool excessively and may even be sick. Some children get car sick, this problem can be solved by exposing the child to short car rides and then gradually increasing the length of the ride. Sometimes, your veterinarian may prescribe motion sickness medication for your pet.

5. Prevention and management

Regular dental care

The place of toothbrushing and dental chews

It is very important to pay attention to a child’s dental hygiene, as some dental diseases cause excessive salivation. It is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth at least once a week and also have “edible” dental chews for the same purpose. It is also recommended to take your pet for a veterinary dental exam to improve the dentist’s ability to detect any problems in advance.

Diet and environmental monitoring

  1. Sweets or foods containing poison (e.g. chocolate, grapes) and other poisonous plants.
  2. Achieve a home environment free of hazardous components.

It is important to keep an eye on what your dog is eating and where he is trying to get food from due to toxicity or poisoning. Get rid of foods that are toxic to your dog, including chocolate and grapes, and make sure the environment he lives in is free of dangerous substances, including certain plants and chemicals.

Veterinary consultations

When to seek help: This is characterized by excessive drooling or other symptoms of discomfort.
Possible diagnoses: There is an option of oral exam, imaging, and endoscopy.

If your dog has not stopped drooling excessively, it is advisable to take him to a veterinarian. Abnormal salivation accompanied by signs such as aggression can be a clear sign of a serious complication. Your veterinarian can perform oral examinations or diagnose using images or even endoscopy to show the root cause of the problem and advise you on the best course of action.

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There are anatomical and physiological causes for this condition as well as pathological changes that may have affected this structure in the dog’s mouth. Knowing these causes and a number of preventive measures will also ensure proper control of your dog’s drooling.

You will need to take the dog for checkups, control its diet, be attentive to the environment in which the animal is located and seek medical help from time to time. Therefore, in this case, it is important to remain vigilant and prevent these conditions from occurring as they can make your dog’s life less enjoyable.


Why does my dog ​​drool when he is happy?

Drooling in dogs is in most cases associated with joy or something the dog deems good for him. This is completely normal and is often just a brief reaction.

Can certain breeds of dogs be more drooling?

Well, yes, you know that breeds like Saint Bernards, Newfoundlands, Bulldogs, and Dogue de Bordeaux are masters of drooling due to certain structures.

Is it true that my puppy drools more when he is teething?

Yes, teething is one of the main reasons why puppies drool a lot, or the process is slightly uncomfortable for them.

What should I do if my dog ​​always seems to drool while I’m driving?

It could be car sickness in your dog, you should take him to the vet to have it checked. This problem should be controlled gradually by driving the car slower and consulting the vet.

Under what circumstances should I take my dog ​​to the vet because of drooling?

However, when your dog drools excessively and continuously or shows any uncomfortable signs, you should take him to the vet immediately to rule out possibly serious illnesses.

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