Comment arrêter au chien qui fume ?

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Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, and the same goes for our little friends. More specifically, dogs’ health can suffer many problems related to cigarette smoke. In this guide, you will discover all the dangers of smoking around your dogs and how to avoid them.

Secondhand Smoke and Probability Analysis

What is second-hand smoke?

Basically, secondhand smoke includes the smoke exhaled by the smoker and the smoke produced by the smoking part of a cigarette, cigar or pipe. This type of smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals and several of them are known to cause cancer. This is especially true for dogs because they are close to the ground and are therefore more likely to inhale such substances into their lungs.

Secondhand smoke is dangerous for dogs’ health and here are the effects of secondhand smoke on dogs’ health:

Breathing problems

Secondhand smoke has been shown to increase the risk of respiratory diseases in dogs. These could, for example, include minor conditions like coughing and wheezing or serious conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis. The chemicals in smoke cause inflammation and damage to the lungs and airways over time.

Increased risk of cancer

La fumée secondaire entraîne une très forte augmentation des risques de cancer chez les chiens. Il a été établi que les chiens vivant dans des environnements fumeurs sont 1,6 fois plus susceptibles de développer un cancer du poumon que ceux vivant dans des environnements non-fumeurs. Ce risque est fortement accentué lorsque le chien a un museau allongé comme celui des Lévriers et des Doberman Pinschers puisque les voies nasales ont une surface au sol plus large sur laquelle se déposent les substances cancérigènes.

Allergies et affections cutanées

La fumée secondaire irrite également la peau des chiens, provoquant entre autres des démangeaisons, des rougeurs et une perte de poils. À long terme, la peau est exposée à plusieurs reprises à ces allergènes, entraînant des maladies chroniques qui gênent votre chien et nécessiteront un traitement constant par un vétérinaire.

Statistiques clés

La probabilité de développer un cancer du poumon est augmentée de 60 % chez les chiens sujets au tabagisme passif.

  • du poumon et les maladies liées à l’asthme ont été associés au tabagisme passif chez les animaux de compagnie.
  • secondaire en tant que cause de risque est quelque chose que les gens devraient connaître.

Qu’est-ce que la fumée secondaire ?

secondaire est celle qui reste dans l’environnement après que les gens ont fumé. Ces produits chimiques sont normalement collants et peuvent rester sur divers objets de votre maison, notamment les meubles, les tapis et même le pelage ou la surface du corps de votre chien. Contrairement à la fumée secondaire qui ne persiste pas plus de quelques heures, la fumée secondaire reste sur les surfaces pendant plusieurs jours, voire plusieurs semaines, et votre animal continuera à rencontrer ces toxines.

Comment la fumée tertiaire affecte les chiens.

Ingestion de produits chimiques nocifs

Les ustensiles de cuisine et la vaisselle ne sont pas à l’abri de la bouche et des mains des animaux, car les chiens sont curieux et adorent lécher les choses et se lécher eux-mêmes. Cela les expose aux résidus de fumée secondaire, les exposant ainsi à un risque plus élevé. Chaque fois qu’un chien lèche sa fourrure, il avale de la nicotine ou d’autres substances toxiques qui se sont déposées sur la peau de son corps, ce qui provoque des blessures internes et de nombreuses maladies.

Conséquences sur la santé à long terme

Les substances souvent présentes dans la fumée secondaire entraînent un certain nombre de maladies graves chez le chien : dysfonctionnement hépatique, insuffisance rénale et même tumeur. Ces toxines s’accumulent et restent longtemps dans l’organisme, ce qui signifie qu’elles provoquent des effets à long terme qui devraient vous inciter à éviter d’emmener votre chien dans des endroits où le tabagisme est répandu.

Faits clés

  • On dit que les produits chimiques issus de la fumée secondaire peuvent facilement adhérer à la fourrure, à la peau et aux jouets, entre autres.
  • Pets that fall into the self-grooming category are likely to ingest large amounts of chemicals.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Smoke Exposure in Dogs

Respiratory symptoms

In practice, one of the first clues that your dog has been affected by smoke is a change in his breathing. Common respiratory symptoms include:

  1. Cough: New and/or worsening cough that is not caused by an acute illness.
  2. Wheezing: A whistling sound that occurs when the dog breathes and indicates inflammation or blockage of the respiratory system.
  3. Shortness of breath:  Shortness of breath, relatively light exercise/exertion.
    Behavioral changes.

Behavioral changes

Exposure to smoke can also cause noticeable changes in your dog’s behavior, such as:

  • Lethargy: There are signs like; You may find your dog more lethargic than usual or less active than you have seen before.
  • Decreased appetite: They also indicate that loss of appetite is one of the symptoms associated with smoke-related illnesses.
  • Mood changes: This can make your dog easily irritated or notice a change in attitude in your dog.

Veterinary advice

This means that if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned here, it is best to consult a vet as soon as possible. It is recommended to take your crossbreed to the vet more often if he is part of a smoking household, as problems can be detected before major issues develop later.

Preventive measures

Create a smoke-free environment

Designation of smoking areas

The only way to prevent smoking-related risks to your dog is to make your home completely cigarette-free. If a family member or household member needs to smoke, the smoker should do so in a specific area that is not near the dog’s domain. This simple step can help minimize your dog’s exposure to deadly smoke.

Use air purifiers

Quality air purifiers can filter smoke and toxins from the air, so having one is also quite beneficial. When it comes to controlling smoke particles, air purifiers with HEPA filters are more effective and will therefore improve your dog’s livability.

House cleaning: reducing the risk of third-party smoking

Such implications can be reduced by ensuring that the house is cleaned very often to remove second-hand smoke residue. This includes:

  • Washing your dog’s bedding: Wipe down the area so there is no ash residue on his sleeping area in case of smoke.
  • Vacuuming and dusting: remove pollutants from the environment that have accumulated on floors, furniture, etc.
  • Wiping down surfaces: To eliminate any lingering smoke in or near the environment where people are smoking.

Moving on to alternatives

Nicotine patches and gums

Nicotine patches and gums, for example, can be administered to minimise the extent to which a smoker’s dog is likely to be affected by dangerous smoke. These products do so without the deadly by-products associated with burning tobacco and are therefore much safer for your dog. However, these products should still be kept out of reach of your dog as they are still toxic if consumed.

E-cigarettes and vaping

Although e-cigarettes are safer than cigarettes and are highly recommended over smoking, it is good to know that e-cigarettes are also harmful to pets. The vapor that emanates from e-cigarettes contains nicotine and other chemicals that are dangerous for your dog if he breathes the vapor. Therefore, it is advisable to use these devices with caution and never vape in the presence of your dog.

To remember

  • Designate areas where smoking is permitted, which should be kept away from animals.
  • Minimize the dangers of secondhand smoke by using air purifiers often and cleaning surfaces often.
  • Explain to the patient the importance of using nicotine patches, gums or e-cigarettes, taking care not to expose animals to smoke.

Coping with nicotine poisoning

Symptoms of nicotine poisoning

Nicotine toxicosis is a poison for dogs, based on the accidental consumption of cigarette ash, e-cigarette cartridges or nicotine patches. Common symptoms of nicotine poisoning include:

  1. Vomiting: One of the most well-known topical symptoms of nicotine toxicity in dogs.
  2. Drooling: Excessive salivation because nicotine agitates the salivary glands and the gums become red and swollen.
  3. Fast heart rate:  risk of high blood pressure which can lead to other serious heart complications.
  4. Tremors:  Shivering or convulsions indicating high levels of toxicity caused by nicotine consumption.

Immediate actions

If you suspect your dog has ingested nicotine, it is important to act quickly.

  1. Administer Activated Charcoal: After consulting your veterinarian, activated charcoal helps absorb nicotine from your dog’s stomach so it won’t pass into the bloodstream.
  2. Seek emergency veterinary care: Speed ​​is of the essence in managing nicotine poisoning. Seek emergency veterinary care from your doctor or an emergency veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Long term treatment

Following primary treatment for nicotine poisoning, your dog may need additional treatment to help him/her get better. This may include:

  • IV Fluids: Due to the above, you will be increasing the risk of your dog passing out, making it easier to expel the toxins listed above from his system.
  • Oxygen Therapy: If your dog’s respiratory system has been compromised in any way, help him breathe.
  • Blood pressure monitoring: To be able to rule out that your dog’s heart is not affected after the incident.

Key figures

  1. One milligram of nicotine per kilogram of a dog’s weight can be easily fatal and is approximately the amount found in one cigarette.

Promoting a smoke-free lifestyle

Pets and their owners in the context of healthier choiceslarındaki The first section of the essay introduces the two main topics, pets and healthier choices, by developing their relationship; the second section explains how each of the mentioned animals can benefit from a healthier choice, analyzes the potential of a healthier choice in the pet industry, and the last section presents recommendations regarding pets and a healthier choice.

The best thing you can do for both of you is to quit smoking, as it has serious effects on your health as well as your dog’s. Simply put, when you eliminate smoke from your home, you benefit both you and your pet because you will be less likely to get sick. A smoke-free lifestyle has many benefits, including:

  1. Improved Air Quality: Less contaminated air in your home means less risk of you or your dog suffering from respiratory illnesses.
  2. Reduced Cancer Risk: Limited exposure to carcinogens significantly reduces cancer cases in dogs.
  3. Longer Life Expectancy: You and your dog will have additional years of healthy, disease-free life, free from the harmful effects of smoke.

Support Resources

There is no shortage of resources for those who continue to struggle to quit smoking. Many organizations offer services in the form of support groups, counseling, and nicotine replacement products that help with quitting smoking. Educating your dog that smoking is bad for his health can be used as a lever to encourage change. Here are some helpful resources:

  • American Lung Association: Has a section that helps people who want to quit smoking by providing them with tools.
  • Quit Services: Most states have quit services that are free and consist of one-on-one counseling sessions.
  • Online forums: Smoking cessation support communities, such as websites where people who are in the same process of quitting smoking can meet and share ideas.

Lire aussi : Comment voit un chien ?


The fact that smoking has negative consequences not only on human health, but also on the health of pets is a crucial consequence. Since the study established the impacts of second-hand and third-hand smoke, the symptoms of pets exposed to smoke and ways to combat the influence of smoke; This video presents ways to protect your dog from these impacts. Smoking is not only disadvantageous for you, but it is probably one of the most charitable things you can do for your pet.

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